What Are Clients Saying?

“Bry inspired me to find the light in a sea of darkness. She made me feel like I mattered in a world that tells me I don’t Bry inspired me to not put a limit on my dreams and goals because of my current circumstances. She has taught me how to be more kind and smart when dealing with other people and how to make myself the main character and take charge of my happiness.”

— Paiden Williams, Houston, TX

“I first started working with Bry at Bry Inspired because I was feeling stuck in my patterns and unable to reach my goals fully. Bry gave practical efficient tools that not only helped me reach my goals but left me with a broader, more positive perspective. Working with Bry has helped me connect not only to myself and but others around me. She is gifted with sound wisdom and compassion. Each session refreshed my soul, leaving me with a sense of joy and peace. Thanks to Bry, I have gained a new sense of confidence that will last a lifetime.” 

– Amanda Elliott, Newark, OH

“Bry facilitated a learning experience and meaningful conversation among our team. Her ability to blend historical context and personal experience gave participants a well rounded perspective. She took a customizable approach to her sessions with us and met with us several times prior to the sessions in order to understand our needs. She is flexible and easy to work with.”

Jessica Altman, Park National Bank Employee Relations Manager, AVP

  • Dr. Michelle Kaiser | Associate Professor, The Ohio State University College of Social Work

    “Bry’s energy, knowledge, and passion for community and justice is contagious! She encouraged us to sit with discomfort and work together to create a safe and healing place in which people listen and have a dialogue. She was able to engage students in invigorating and challenging conversations about systemic racism, microaggressions, collective trauma of individuals identifying as BIPOC (especially in light of ongoing police brutality), anti-racism, and the importance of activism and advocacy efforts in our personal and professional lives. The students felt drawn into Bryanna’s presence, stories, and wisdom. She was inspiring, and I would love to have her speak at any event or in any classroom in the future. “

  • Michael Mintos | Director Franklinton Prep High School

    “Bry shared insight, empirical data, and comparative studies to bring concepts like inclusion, racial prejudices, and equity to the forefront. Most importantly, Bry showed a tremendous amount of vulnerability by opening up to our students and staff about her personal journey and her goals for the future. This simple act gave everyone the motivation to feel comfortable to share and take action on incredibly important topics that need to be addressed in our society. We are grateful to call her a partner in activism.”

  • Dr. Njeri Kagotho | MSW PhD, Associate Professor, Chief Diversity Officer, The Ohio State University College of Social Work

    “Bryanna’s passion and zeal for racial justice is evident to those who have had the honor of working with her. Anti-racism work is difficult and extremely complex, and it is only when we understand how oppressive institutions work that we can begin to challenge these systems while demanding better of ourselves. Bryanna skillfully rallied the audience around naming and discussing racism and xenophobia even when it was clearly uncomfortable for us to do so. Including a historical overview of this country’s race relations, she highlighted the need for inter-racial collaborations to address individual acts of hate and to dismantle oppressive institutions. Bryanna masterfully used non-verbal dialogue to engage the audience. By cultivating silence you helped foster mindfulness and allowed your audience the time to reflect and engage more deeply with each other. Finally, your guidance helped us identify simple actionable strategies for racial reconciliation in everyday living. Thank you for lending your expertise in this moment of racial reckoning.”